Monday, August 3, 2009

A great interview with artist Cassandra C. Jones

BoingBoing Interview with Xeni Jardin from Cassandra C. Jones on Vimeo.

What interests me here is the idea of an a new "mixed media" pulled from the constant barrage of images that we post on the internet. Jones' work is not the images themselves but the conceptual "glue" that binds them. In a way she's interpreting a conversation that we are all taking part in.

If you are in the bay area and would like to see her work first hand Jones has a solo exhibit from Aug 1st - Sept 5th at Baer Ridgway Exhibitions (


Julia said...

finally took the time to watch the whole thing. thanks so much for posting--her work is really inspiring!

Fran L said...

I like the idea of leaving the work silent. So often we are used to "background music" that colors the way we look at the world.

Also, she says, "We don't have nature in our homes so we bring things in to emulate nature." Ah yes, but here in the big SD we do. Had a deer in my yard this morning and a determined squirrel by my car last night.

Aurora J said...

One of our human terrors is to lose identity, essentially to lose one's self. So in order to preserve our little identity, we take pictures of ourselves and our friends in front of a sunset on vacation, only to expose our generic-ness. But that's the beauty of Jones' work shown here--the fact that we have a beauty and a meaning beyond identity; we just forget about it until someone reminds us.
The artist took hackneyed images and, through movement and repetition, showed the greater organism. Besides that, the cheerleader wallpaper installation was hilarious! It was like magic. Cheerleader elves from another dimension?!