Saturday, May 30, 2009

Nick Cave: sound suits

The Nick Cave exhibit at the Yerba Buena in San Francisco is outstanding. An eclectic mix of craft, culture, dance, and sculpture. I haven't seen something that dazzling in a while and I left completely inspired. I also want a taxidermy sweater bear of my very own! (sorry no pic) Meet Me at the Center of the Earth runs through July 5.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Marc Newson

Storage by Marc Newson. Can it really be used for anything-- probably not. But combining reoccurring patterns in nature with everyday objects one of my favorite themes.
(70-7/8 x 110-3/16 x 15-11/16 inches and hogged out of solid marble)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

new favorite

Had the pleasure of playing with this wonderful widget. This is the Smart Pen by Livescibe. It records your voice and what you are drawing at the same time. It uses a camera and little dots on the paper to register and play back the audio when you point to something you wrote. Then up load all to your computer. Very nice.